2015 MFA, Art Studio, University of California, Davis, CA
2011 BA summa cum laude and excellence in painting, Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley, CA
2016 Vermont Studio Center, March 2016, Johnson, VT
2014 Art Department Fellowship, $3,000, University of California, Davis, CA
2013 Provost’s Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, $40,386.91, University of California, Davis, CA
2007 Helen Novy Art Award, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
2021 Flower Power, Morro Bay Art Association Gallery, 835 Main St, Morro Bay, CA
Solo Exhibition, Untitled, Ascendo Coffee, 1230 Los Osos Valley Road, Los Osos, CA
Abstraction, virtual exhibition, The in Art Gallery, (Juror Ron Fondaw)
2020 Solo Exhibition, Untitled, A Satellite of Love, 1335 Walker Street, SLO, CA
A Painting Exhibition, virtual exhibition, The in Art Gallery, (Juror: Hagit Barkai)
SLO Plant Therapy Pop-Up Art Gallery and Plant Sale, The Penny, 664 Marsh, San Luis Obispo, CA
Love in the Time of Covid, virtual exhibition, Harold J Miossi Art Gallery, Highway 1, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Brushstrokes 2020, virtual exhibition, SLO Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St, San Luis Obispo, CA (Juror: Marcia Harvey)
15th National Juried Exhibition, Axis Gallery, 625 S St, Sacramento, CA (Juror: Marcela Pardo Ariza)
While We Sheltered, Art Central, 1329 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA
Gallery Q Goes Viral, virtual exhibition, Gallery Q, Susi Q Laguna Beach Community and Senior Center
Metamorphosis, SLO Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St, San Luis Obispo, CA (Juror: Julie Dunn)
Brushstrokes 2019, Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St, Cambria, CA
Untitled (Five Year Retrospective from Art Studio in France), UC Davis’ Chancellor’s Residence, 16 College Park, Davis, CA
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Gallery Q, Susi Q Laguna Beach Community and Senior Center, 380 Third St., Laguna Beach, CA
2019 Auditory Memories, Viewpoint Gallery, UC Irvine Student Center, A311 Student Center, Irvine, CA
Faculty Show, Ann Foxworthy Gallery, Alan Hancock College, 800 S. College Dr., Santa Maria, CA
Nature, Gallery Q, Susi Q Laguna Beach Community and Senior Center, 380 Third St., Laguna Beach, CA
Phantom Project 18, Pop-Up Gallery, 1040 Court St, SLO, CA (Jurors: Peter Charles, Christine Cortese, Nick Wilkinson)
Brushstrokes 2019, SLO Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St, San Luis Obispo, CA (Juror: Jerry McLaughlin)
Wish You Were Here 19 Postcard Show, AIR Gallery, 155 Plymouth St, Brooklyn, NY
Untitled Faculty Show, Student Art Gallery, Highway 1, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
2018 Personal Best, Art Central, 1329 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA
Solo Exhibition, Sumi Brush, Nib and Pen, A Satellite of Love, 1335 Walker Street, SLO, CA
Pride, GALA, Gay and Lesbian Alliance of the Central Coast, 1060 Palm Street, SLO, CA
Locals Only California Central Coast Group Show, Left Field, 1242 Monterey St, Suite #110, SLO, CA
Harmony, Gallery Q, Susi Q Laguna Beach Community and Senior Center, 380 Third St., Laguna Beach, CA
Untitled Faculty Show, Wicked-Step Gallery, Highway 1, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Once is Not Enough, Art Central, 1329 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA
My Funny Valentine, GALA Gay and Lesbian Alliance of the Central Coast, 1060 Palm Street, SLO, CA
Phantom Project 9, Pop-Up Gallery, 959 Higuera St, SLO, CA (Jurors: Larry Le Brane, David Limrite, Robert Oblon)
2017 Little Treasures, Art Central, 1329 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA
Phantom Project 7, Pop-Up Gallery, 959 Higuera St, SLO, CA (Jurors: Peter Charles, Larry Le Brane, Joanne Beaule Ruggles)
Untitled, Wicked-Step Gallery, Highway 1, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
2016 15th Annual Postcard Show Wish You Were Here: Make a Splash!, AIR Gallery, 155 Plymouth St, Brooklyn, NY
Living Mark Exhibition, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, 3014 NE Ainsworth, Portland, OR
2015 JJMWMNL: MFA Thesis Exhibition, Richard L. Nelson Gallery, One Shields Avenue, UC Davis, Davis, CA
Untitled, UC Davis’ Chancellor’s Residence, 16 College Park, Davis, CA
White Line Fever, Third Space, 946 Olive Drive, Davis, CA
2014 Synesthesia, Richard L. Nelson Gallery, One Shields Avenue, UC Davis, Davis, CA
The Invitation, Art Silicon Valley (Art SV/SF), 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo, CA (in collaboration with Tim Hyde)
Untitled, Columbia University Global Center, 4 Rue de Chevreuse, Paris, France
Dumpstir Dive A First Year MFA Art Show, Pence Gallery, 212 D St., Davis, CA
Ellen Hansen Memorial Prize, Pence Gallery, 212 D St., Davis, CA
Untitled Collaboration Works, Richard L. Nelson Gallery, One Shields Avenue. UC Davis, Davis, CA
Shrem Museum Groundbreaking Reception, Mondavi, One Shields Avenue. UC Davis, Davis, CA
2013 Solo Exhibition, Untitled, Farley’s East, 33 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA
2011 Solo Exhibition, Untitled, Musical Offering Café, 2430 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA
Written and Illustrated by: FM Oakland, Lakeview Library, 550 El Embarcadero, Oakland, CA
Senior Art Show, Worth Ryder Gallery, 345 Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Untitled, Kroeber Atrium, 345 Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2010 Solo Exhibition, Wombs of Light, Kroeber Atrium, Kroeber, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2009 Soccer in the Gallery, Worth Ryder Gallery, 345 Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2008 Cuesta College Student Art Exhibition, Wicked-Step Gallery, Highway 1, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Morro Bay Art Association Scholarship Show, Morro Bay Art Association Gallery, 835 Main St, Morro Bay, CA
Untitled, Wicked-Step Gallery, Highway 1, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
2006 Untitled, juried: Estero Bay Women’s Club, Morro Bay High School, 235 Atascadero Rd, Morro Bay, CA
High School Art Portfolio Competition, The San Luis Obispo Art Center, 1010 Broad St, SLO, CA
2005 Morro Bay Art Association Scholarship Show, Morro Bay Art Association Gallery, 835 Main St, Morro Bay, CA
UC Davis, Davis, CA
2020 Axis 15th National Catalogue, Axis Gallery, 2020.
“Art Studio in Paris and the French Riviera,” Chancellor’s Residence Art 2014-15, California: UC Davis Repro Graphics, 2020.
2016 Third Annual Living Mark Exhibition Catalogue, Oregon
2015 JJMWMNL: MFA Thesis Exhibition, California, UC Davis
“Art Studio in Paris and the French Riviera,” Chancellor’s Residence Art 2014-15, California: UC Davis Repro Graphics, 2015.
2014 The Invitation, California, UC Davis, 2014.
2013 Julia Sievert, “Oakland Art Murmur FM- Johansson Zero Friends- Rock Paper Scissors,” Art Business, publication date:
February 1, 2013.